Contact Golding Projects Adelaide

Phone or send us an email

Send us an email or call – How can we assist with your project?

We are with you at every stage of your custom home build, extension or renovation. We offer a complete design, costing and documentation service, based on your brief and budget, then assemble a team of specialists to bring plans into reality at the highest standard.

Contact Terry Golding today by phone or by completing the contact form below.

Contact Terry

Terry Golding
Business Principle
Phone: 0412 828 852

Terry's favourite quote

“My approach to building and business is simple… to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself”

Send Terry an Email

Business Address

Golding Projects Adelaide
Custom Builders, Extensions & Renovations
31 Lansdowne Terrace, Vale Park
South Australia, 5081
Terry Golding

Contact David

David Maunder
Project Manager
Phone: 0402 013 834

David's favourite quote

“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else” David Maunder

Send David an Email

Thank you Terry and David - Golding Projects Adelaide Builder

Contact Form